Sunday, December 19, 2010

Playing The Bad Boy Card

Strategy: Acting tough and with a streak of douchebaggery to impress a girl

Category: Behaviour adaptation strategy

Our opinion: Not recommended unless you're confident you can pull it off

It's a universal truth: girls love a bad boy. What is important to distinguish is the difference between a bad boy (say Will Smith or the Fonz), a bad guy (like Lex Luthor or The Joker) and a bad person (like George Costanza).

Note that bad boys are categorised by atittude and style. Their seeming indifference is the key to their appeal.

Bad guys, however, usually have some form of unique and unattractive appearance and plans to take over the world (though thankfully they are almost always thwarted by men in tights and capes).

A bad person is someone with low social and moral value. The example here is lazy and self-centred. This is not the impression you want to give to girls you have just met.

If you're trying to act like a bad boy to impress girls you're going to want them to believe you don't care, that you're in control of your feelings (maybe even get them to question that you have any), that you've been in fights and won and that you have strong convictions. This will be desirable traits. What you don't want to do is be overly chauvinistic or arrogant. These are off-putting. Don't overdo the attitude either.

For example: saying "Get me a beer, bitch" to a girl you've just met is going WAY too far. Also if you ask her a question, don't say "I don't care" after she finishes answering.

You'll have to walk a thin line to get this one right, but we're sure it is possible. If in doubt, think "What would Will Smith do?"

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